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Uncut guys: have you tried keeping your foreskin retracted for any length of time
1 | Yes, I wear it rolled back permanently![]() |
37% 1,527 |
2 | I've tried it before with no problems![]() |
23% 955 |
3 | I've tried, but it's too sensitive to keep retracted for long![]() |
21% 884 |
4 | No![]() |
10% 425 |
5 | I've tried, but after a day of so it starts swelling up because the blood doesn't circulate properly![]() |
7% 309 |
When I was young I noticed my father was circumcised. I used to try to leave the skin back to look like him but mainly in my teens because when the glans was dry it wasn't smelly and I preferred the appearance of the penis like this. I decided to have a circumcision when I was 39 years old at a Marie Stobbs clinic in London and I have never regretted it one bit. I only wished my parents had circumcised me as a child. The foreskin is redundant. I am in my fifties now and it makes no difference to satisfaction, either with my wife or by myself. That is in the mind. Posted by: Ray (25 Sep 10) |
My glans is normally exposed permanently - sometimes I roll foreskin down over the head for a change but do not leave it down for too long. Feels good! Posted by: Anonymous (1 Jul 10) |
you need to give the option of Yes but it won't stay back. A lot of comments have been like this. Posted by: Anonymous (30 Jun 10) |
I decided to retract it 13 years ago and is has been retracted since then. It's GREAT. I'm 66 years young. Posted by: Helglat (13 Mar 10) |
Ive tried to wear mine back but it just keeps going forward Posted by: Anonymous (27 Dec 09) |
yes Posted by: Anonymous (27 Nov 09) |
why would you want to do that ? i love bmy head covered with my hood Posted by: Anonymous (25 Oct 09) |
I can now fully pull it back really hard - all the way,so it is easy to keep it back Posted by: Anonymous (1 Oct 09) |
I'd not consider doing anything else. Fells wrong now if it rolls forwards. Posted by: Anonymous (17 Jul 09) |
Of course, I am from the UK. Like most of Europe, we don't mutilate our boys penises routinely, like in the US, and in many other regions. In my opinion, cutting cocks, de-sensitises them. Maybe that why so many "cut" guys are so uptight, and like to have wars. Posted by: Anonymous (4 May 09) |
I'm with the guy who thinks the poll is rigged. Where I grew up, almost nobody was circumcised and we didn't try to make up for it by wearing the skin back. Nobody mentioned such a practice and, as far as I know, no one even thought about it. It certainly didn't occur to me, my brothers, or my father to do something that silly. Posted by: Anonymous (6 Jan 09) |
It rolls back over the head naturally in a matter of minutes. Posted by: Anonymous (29 Aug 08) |
For fuck's sake, anyone who knows anyone who is not circumcised, knows full well we do not retract our foreskins. Clearly some pro-circ wanker keeps adding these comments to make it sound like this is some sort of normal practice. If you are so fucking pro-circumcision, why the fuck do you have rig these surveys and make so many fucking ridiculous and false claims. If people were so pro-circ you wouldn't have to falsify the voting and comments. Get over your 'uncut-penis-envy'. Posted by: Anonymous (13 Aug 08) |
I wear it rolled back permanently since I was 21 and I am 27 now. I love have a bare glans. It is the best thing I had made to my body. My wife loves my penis that way too. Posted by: Anonymous (27 May 08) |
I had a naturally long foreskin,but my father showed me how to train it to stay back from when I was about 12.It had fully retracted by puberty and has remained so ever since and is indistinguishable from a circumcied penis.I am now 64. This practice gives all the advantages of cleanliness and tougher and more developed glans,without having to have surgery Posted by: Doug (15 May 08) |
I'm uncut with a long foreskin, but my penis were peeled for my parents at a early old years, never circumcision, but with frenulotomy. Since then, my foreskin always stay retracted and, in erection, the head is straigth when it is entirity bared and the prepuce pulled back to the basis of the penis. They, mother and father, taugth to my to wash daily the gland and maintain retracted the foreskin. I dn't know a bad smell in my penis and �what is the smegma?. Thanks parents for my early retraction of the prepuce. My penis is healthy. Posted by: Anonymous (11 May 08) |
I'm uncut with a long foreskin, but my penis were peeled for my parents at a early old years, never circumcision, but with frenulotomy. Since then, my foreskin always stay retracted and, in erection, the head is straigth when it is entirity bared and the prepuce pulled back to the basis of the penis. They, mother and father, taugth to my to wash daily the gland and maintain retracted the foreskin. I dn't know a bad smell in my penis and �what is the smegma?. Thanks parents for my early retraction of the prepuce. My penis is healthy. Posted by: Anonymous (11 May 08) |
Mine alway rolls back on its own, it is not uncomfortable. I think its always been that way, as long as i can remember anyway Posted by: Anonymous (6 May 08) |
I first tried keeping my foreskin retracted as a teenager, but gave up because I couldn't pee accurately like that. I made another attempt in my twenties, partly motivated by a persistant itch. It took some effort to train the foreskin to stay back, but it solved the problem. And the feeling is so good, that it's still retracted 30 years later. My only regret is that I didn't go the whole way and have a circumcision. Posted by: Anonymous (5 May 08) |
I think a great number of uncircumcised men and boys are keeping the foreskin permanently retracted. The boys are choosing this when they enter the puberty period and are beginning to masturbate regurlarly. I observed this fact in different situations and for those guys who have the frenulum removed, the status of permanently freed glans is automatic even when faccid. Posted by: Anonymous (16 Apr 08) |
When I was a teen my foreskin was always too long even when i had an erection it still covered my head when i was 20 i started wearing it back all the time and i found that it had shrunk and now it always peels back when i have an erection! Posted by: Anonymous (10 Apr 08) |
I started rolling back when i saw a friend who did it, so since the age of 12 i've been wearing it back. it feels a lot better and there's almost no smegma now. Posted by: Anonymous (2 Apr 08) |
How do you keep it rolled back permanently?? Mine always seems to want to roll back after a while. Posted by: Anonymous (29 Mar 08) |
My story is very much like the previous poster's. I started around puberty, when I discovered that my older brother and a cousin had already trained their skins to stay retracted. They urged me to "join the club" and become bared like the other boys, our peers. So glad they did. Once I got used to it, I would never want to go back to having my penis in a nasty wrapper. All young uncut boys should be taught this. Posted by: Anonymous (25 Mar 08) |
Yes, I do - is there any other way?? Much cleaner, looks better. When I started, I thought it was just me, but I have discovered that loads of guys choose to do this. It's also the usual thing to do in eastern countries, like China and Japan, where all men keep their foreksins retracted. Posted by: Anonymous (25 Mar 08) |
yes, I keep mine back since I was 12 (now I'm 20) Posted by: TheItalian (24 Mar 08) |
I kept mine retracted all the time from when I was 16, and needed tape or a rubber band at first to hold it reliably, until I decided to go for "the deed", as my doctor called it, just before I turned 23. I loved the feel, look, and cleanliness of the exposed glans, so I decided to make it permanent. Never regretted my decision for a second. Posted by: Tim (24 Mar 08) |
I have mine back more or less permanently. I started doing this when I was 19 or so - over 30 years ago. Since being on the internet, I have discovered it is a very common practice - not just guys with short foreskins that roll back anyway, but also with guys who have to 'train' theirs to stay back, as I did, and have therefore made a choice in the matter. I am told it is also the norm in Japan - boys there are taught to pull their skins back from the age of 12 or so, and they remain permanently rolled back. Posted by: Anonymous (24 Mar 08) |
I tried wearing mine back very young to look like my cut school friends but found that while I could walk to school like this it became too sensitive so I had to return it over the glans and uncover it again to walk home. However, when puberty came along it used to partially retract with erections and catch pubic hairs on it's return, (very uncomfortable) so I decided it had to remain back from then on and has done ever since. It still feels great and I would never want it any other way now. Posted by: Anonymous (3 Mar 08) |
yes. i keep mine back all the time now. i started tring to ease it back when i was 17. it was a bit rough to do at first, and took about 4-6 month's to do without any pain or discomfort. i am 51 now, and and have no trouble with it at all. look's and feel's grate. Posted by: Anonymous (13 Jan 08) |
I cannot stretch it beyond the gland. Posted by: Anonymous (10 Jan 08) |
I am one of those who wear my foreskin retracted although I must confess I had never given any thought to this being a widespread practice. My reasons were partly that my foreskin made urination a little inaccurate at times so that I always retracted it for that anyway and partly for esoteric and erotic reasons. Whilst appreciating the value of the nerve endings in my skin I have always preferred the bare knobbed appearance of the circumcised cock and also its more hygenic properties. There was also the fact that for some reason I began to find some erotic pleasure in keeping my skin retracted for longer periods of time than just for urination and also in masturbating with it back. In this I was assisted by my foreskin always having been a trifle tight so that it readily remained retracted. So the time came when I decided to wear in retracted more or less permanently and I began a period of penis training to gradually toughen up the sensitive skin which had hitherto gone unexposed. The skin most affected here was the lining of the foreskin rather than the glans itself which quite quickly adjusted to its new exposed life but this eventually also toughened up to a sufficient degree. Another effect which came as a pleasant surprise was that my glans, freed from its restrictive cover, became slightly enlarged particularly around the flange which now assists in holding my foreskin back. My situation now is that the normal position of my foreskin is retracted and even if I wish to wear it forward it will slide back of its own accord and will need some pursuasion to do otherwise. So I regard myself as enjoying the best of both worlds by having the appearance of a circumcised male while still retaining the extra nerve endings for my sexual pleasure. This is of particular relevance because I discovered some time ago the acute pleasures of electro stimulation of the genitals and those nerve endings are very valuable for that. I am pleased I discovered this forum for it has been interesting for me to discover that I am far from alone in my preference and also to tell my little secret story. I hope it will be of interest to some. Posted by: Anonymous (8 Dec 07) |