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186 votes | Give me a different poll
Do U agree, Rudd's MASSIVE, planned, increase in immigration, is a sensible move for Australia ?
1 | No. We haven't the infrastructure to cope now, ie water, hospital beds, Public Transport etc. ![]() |
64% 120 |
2 | Yes. More consumers = more $ for big retail businesses etc. ![]() |
15% 29 |
3 | I feel that it doesn't matter what I think, no one listens. I feel I have no right to say anything.![]() |
13% 26 |
4 | Yes. Our Australian culture is outdated & we need to greatly increase the rate in which it changes.![]() |
2% 4 |
5 | No. Its bad enough now having to compete to work for $5.00/hour.![]() |
1% 3 |
6 | I don't know.![]() |
1% 2 |
7 | Yes. A 2 year period after paying tax before welfare, 1st home grant & baby bonus become available.![]() |
1% 2 |
8 | I don't know and I don't care.![]() |
0% 0 |
9 | I don't know but I do care.![]() |
0% 0 |
10 | No. There will be a greater demand on trades people, so their prices will increase even further.![]() |
0% 0 |
11 | Yes. It will ensure that the current Government is voted into office indefinately. ![]() |
0% 0 |
Comment "For every 10 immigrants, 11 jobs are created." Yes but the quality of life is decreasing - not enough water, overcrowding on the roads, in hospitals, in schools - changing culture, more often for the worst - urban conflict (just watch the news or go visit some of the great areas of Sydney lol). Sydney is becoming a crappy place to live with far too many from overseas coming here. If they want to assimiliate and learn to live by the Australian culture and values. Why should the people that have been here for generations bow down to them and take on other cultures within our own society. I like my Australian culture and how I was brought up and I will keep defending it. Posted by: AussieAussie (9 Jan 09) |
The two major political parties both want high immigration. I don't want this and many other people I know don't want this either including people that have immigrated here. Yet no one seems to listen to the silent majority. STOP LETTING SO MANY PEOPLE INTO THIS COUNTRY BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!! Posted by: Anonymous (15 Sep 08) |
This Country is turning into an International garbage dump ! As far as the person picking spelling mistakes ( one at that ) If you go to the effort to make comments on incorrect spelling then it means you don't understand whats actually been written, and hence your trying to convince the world that you are also intelligent by picking spelling mistakes of those that do understand. Posted by: Anonymous (31 Aug 08) |
My opinion is that more people equates to more crowding and a lower quality of life. I don't want to live somewhere like Beijing with all the people, all the pollution. Keep Sydney and Australia a nice place to live before it's too late! Posted by: Anonymous (5 Aug 08) |
Re Comment "The changes in the nature of our urban environments reflects a complete degradation of social standards, which are not the result of migration. Point the finger where the blame belongs, rather than an irrelevant soft target, like immigrants." My comment to this is - whilst I agree with some of your comment I think you need to get out of your own backyard and go have a look at some of the suburbs where immigrants mainly live and see the quality of life there. I certainly wouldn't want to live in these areas as I would feel unsafe. I am not saying all immigrants are like this - just saying we need to be a bit more particular about who and what we let in here! And of course the volume of people permanently living here. It might be zero net economic impact but the standard of living, eg crowding, traffic jams, not enough water and clean air, longer hospital waiting lists not to mention a erosion of our culture as we know it - is declining. Simple economics - if we don't increase our infrastructure and increase the number of people entering this country it puts stress on our infrastructure and less resources and services for the people that live here already (regardless where they came from in the first place). What I get really annoyed about is that I was born here and so were my parents and most of my grandparents (in fact they fought in wars to preserve our country and unique culture) but I have little say about who lives in this country I was born in. I am not sure why my parents went to war or did my grandparents and now the Rudd government is just letting anyone in without even detaining people to check out who they are! Posted by: Anonymous (5 Aug 08) |
Using the terms 'supply' and 'demand' does not mean one understands them; moreso demonstrates that a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. Demand does not dictate supply, nor does supply dictate demand. At the same time, neither exists within a vacuum. An increase in population, through migration or mortality rates, increase the supply of the resources of Labour and Enterprise (Factor Market). At the same time, a commensurate increase in demand for consumer and social goods ought be experienced (Goods Market). The two together are likely to result in no net impact on the level of economic activity. The changes in the nature of our urban environments reflects a complete degradation of social standards, which are not the result of migration. Point the finger where the blame belongs, rather than an irrelevant soft target, like immigrants. That blame lies with the lack of censorship in the media (censorship of violence and sexual promiscurity); the abhorrent portrayal in the media of youth treating education, teachers, police, and other authority figures with utter disrespect; the pathetic response of courts to low-level crime (whatever happened to the invaluable approach 'take care of the little things and the big things take care of themselves' ?); the complete deregulation of society, workplaces, banking and the underfunding of the social infrastructure that supports the weak in our community. I am sick to the back-fangers of anti-migration morons who want to blame new-Australians for the problems our leaders and media have single-handed created, largely supported by right-wing conservative rat-bags like John Howard. Posted by: Anonymous (30 Jul 08) |
What massive immigration plan ? There is NO plan, this is just blatant push-polling by blind (and quite frankly stupid) conservative twits. Posted by: Anonymous (30 Jul 08) |
Gee - I guess the one word ,"Definitely", spelled incorrectly is more important that having an understanding of whats being discussed here. Posted by: Anonymous (26 Jul 08) |
Immigration might create jobs but it diminishes the standard of living. More people equals more demand for housing, hospitals, schools, public transport - more demand equals higher prices where the supply is kept up. Even if supply is kept up to keep prices in line with inflation that still means we have more people here and the quality of life is diminishing. I am also sick of competing from people from overseas in the country I was born in for jobs where they will take less money to do the job. Maybe you could look at the England and Ireland as prime examples of how immigration does not work well. How crowded are the roads now? Why are we now having to pay for water? Why do we have more pollution? Childcare and schools are hard to get into. More people is not the way to go in Australia. I didn't put up this poll - just defending the person that did. Australians that have been here a while need to have a say about all the people the government is bringing in here. Most Australians I know are sick of it and don't want more people here. Australia is not the nice place it used to be as our culture is impacted by everyone that moves here. Some places in Sydney you wouldn't even know you were in Australia - maybe somewhere in Asia or the Middle East! Even some of the migrants think they have more rights than the poor Aborigines that have been here longer than anyone. Posted by: Anonymous (25 Jun 08) |
The person who submitted this poll question definitely (yes that is how to spell it,... it comes from definite) needs help - you are a certified moron with no idea. For every 10 immigrants, 11 jobs are created. Rednecks like you should just eat your Pauline prepared fisn'n'chips and rack off back to the farm - where you grew up with no idea about what was happening in the rest of the educated and informed world. Posted by: Anonymous (13 Jun 08) |